“Black sea sunrise” association is a Bulgarian branch organization within the Fisheries sector uniting persons mainly in the field of the marine fishing. The organization has been established as a fishing association in 2000 in Varna city, Bulgaria. In 2011 the association has been officially recognized by the Minister of the agriculture and food as a branch organization under Regulation 104/2000.

The activities of the organization are related to the protection of the specific interests of its members who are mainly owners of fishing vessels. As a branch organization “Black sea sunrise” participates in the process of consultations and adopting of different administrative acts and regulations at national level, including participation in working groups within NAFA, the Ministry of agriculture and food and the National parliament. After the accession of the Republic of Bulgaria in EU the organization has established and maintains relationships with similar organizations from Romania and Greece. The association supports the work and the researches of the Bulgarian scientists.

The organization unites more than 35 persons with more than 45 fishing vessels fully engaged in the field of the marine fishing in the EU waters of the Black sea. The main species which are being caught by the members of the association are: Red Mullet, Scad, Bluefish, Turbot, Rapana and Dogfish. The fishing vessels of the association have more than 60 % of the national catches of turbot, 70 % of the national catches of Red Mullet, 60 % of the national catches of Dogfish, more than 40 % of the national catches of Rapana, and 30 % of the catches of Blue fish.


Memebers of the managing board are: Polina Harsimova-Boneva, Djemaledin Aliev, Emil Milev (president)